Frequently Asked Questions

Because we care! You are making a significant investment in your home and we want you to have a positive experience.

The elevator installation takes a few days after arriving at the site; if the site is ready - i.e. the hoistway doors have been hung, the shaft is complete and permanent power is available. We work closely with the homeowners and builders to insure everything is ready.

There are many variables when pricing an elevator, number of floors, job-site conditions, level of finish desired on the interior of the cab, etc. Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss a budget with you.

Most elevators require 4-8 weeks to acquire and process, ready for installation.

For an elevator that will accommodate a wheelchair, it takes about a 5' x 5’ area for the shaft.

Pit depths vary from manufacturer to manufacturer with ranges from 8" or 15”. Our elevators require an 8” pit.

The overhead requirement depends on the system being used; hydraulic, traction, winding drum but the industry typically uses 12” - 36”.

Four stories. Residential elevators have a maximum allowable travel distance of 50-feet.

Our home elevator cabs can be accessed from multiple sides.

Generally, an elevator cab interior measuring 36" x 48”, will accommodate a wheelchair.

The best elevator system depends on the application and code requirements. Every system has its "Best" application. Discuss your requirements with us and we will point you in the right direction.

A quality elevator and installation will provide you with many years of enjoyment, provided it is maintained. An annual service is typically all that is needed.